Create your own Tour App with Tour Builder

SwiftCraft 2024 SESSION PREVIEW: Workout experiences for watchOS and iOS with WorkoutKit by Audrey Zebaze

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So I was just looking at Flipboard looks pretty cool. Lots of articles so seems like something I would enjoy using. Not sure why I haven't used it, I did have an account a while back but ended up deleting it. Kind of tempted to make a new account.

TikTok Points Out That Its Ban Tramples Free Speech

TikTok is pointing out that the US banning it in the country is an attack on free speech. This came after the bill banning it passed Congress.

Une critique du Microsoft Store qui est inutile (Comment a Marche) :

The Google Drive app for Android is getting a much-needed update to make finding the exact file you're looking for easier.

Hm. I just discovered that Moleskine has a note app called Minimal that lets you publish to a website unfortunately, its their own. Otherwise, its a neat little app. It ages your notes and notifies you when they are about to be deleted.

#moleskine #notes #web #app

Hm. I just discovered that Moleskine has a note app called Minimal that lets you publish to a website unfortunately, its their own. Otherwise, its a neat little app. It ages your notes and notifies you when they are about to be deleted.

Here's how to turn off Pixel app recommendations on the Pixel Tablet or any Pixel phone running Android 11 or later

Vyfarbovanie poda siel.
Thomas Gainsborough.

Maybank Launches Goal-Based Investment Accessible From MAE App

Arbeitsminister Heil plant Brgergeld per App

In Zukunft soll es mglich sein, das Brgergeld per App zu beantragen. Das Konzept ist Teil einer Digitalisierungsstrategie von Arbeitsminister Heil. Die Idee: Prozesse vereinfachen und die Behrden entlasten.

To prolong your Li-ion battery life, reduce e-waste, conserve rare minerals, prevent child labor, i.e. contribute saving the planet - or to save own money if it rings more with you, keep it charged between 40% and 80%.

I found this fact in 2017, and made a simple that will notify me when to connect/disconnect the charger. Now updated for the latest android.

Free, no ads, grab it here:

Rezension zu NMR Mein Kompass in der Organischen und Medizinischen Chemie
Mit Potenzial zur InspirationNMR Mein Kompass in der Organischen und Medizinischen Chemie (Reihe Lebenswerke in der Chemie). Von Horst Kessler. GNT 2023. 301 S., geb. 39,80 Euro. ISBN 9783862251322Horst Kesslers Autobiographie NMR Mein Kompass in der Organischen und Medizinischen

Een app om bij bepaalde ziektes je gezondheid te bewaken. Ik heb er een dubbel gevoel bij. Hoe zit dat met jullie

Jai une ide dapp pour , quelquun pourrait-ielle morienter vers des de d ou de gens qui sont chauds pour tenter de monter un projet de cration dune app pour l, jai bien peur quil y ait beaucoup darnaques dans ce domaine.

Capture, review, refactor and link observing yourself will reveal how you think!

A reminder to focus on the work, not how neatly you've put it together. Focus on what your notes are for and don't let an undue focus on the scaffolding pull you away from that. Helping non-techie people choose the best notes app for them.

Links below

now have a better way to authenticate users using the new Credential Manager. Credential Manager is a Jetpack that brings together various sign-in methods into a single API, which will make it easier for users to become authenticated, regardless of their preferred sign-in method. According to the Android team, the simplification provided continue reading
The post Android authentication just got simpler with Credential Manager ...

Post-It Plus makes categorizing and analysis of sticky notes post-session just about as simple as possibleand the price is right!


Apple will reportedly overhaul the Calculator app in macOS to make it more useful

New app added to the Accessible Android apps directory: Goal & Habit Tracker Calendar Accessible

Mi obsesin por la memoria nunca est ahta.

Entiendo la eternidad como un castigo y la muerte como un descanso. Qu haramos sin un fin Qu hacemos con todas las posibilidades de Internet Repetirnos.

Pero hay bucles hermosos porque se expanden, lejos de clonarse agrietan el molde y se improvisan.

Frieren es una maga elfa sacada de su rutina por el influjo de un lder. Se une a su equipo y sobrevive a la mayora. Los humanos son tan finitos...

Una tribu fugaz la salva. Esto lo desconoce hasta que comienza a formar, sin querer, su propio equipo. Ahora es la lder, porque une lder nace y se hace. No es su intencin pero s su condicin, su experiencia la avala. No quiere, solo puede.

Caminando, cuidando, entiende su pasado y se atreve a pensar en el futuro. El/su paisaje lo completan les dems, aunque sean perecederos.

No, no hacen falta ms captulos, la historia est narrada.


Lots of social icons.

Quick story about a moderation trick I came up with.

I have this simple online sharing service for an app (Android only, free, My Picture Books), where you create picture books with audio. Not much features, just single picture/text/audio per page.

It was made for sharing in real life with close family, but people wanted to share online. I don't want to moderate, so I came up with the idea that every viewer of the online book is the moderator.

(more in next post)

Taylor Swift's much-anticipated album, 'Tortured Poets,' has already caused disruptions on 's platform, breaking records, possibly crashing the platform, and garnering immense attention from fans worldwide. The release of Swift's newest album has once again caused Spotify to server issues. shows that it received over 400 reports of users encountering difficulties accessing the Spotify and website before noon, ...

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Vyfarbovanie poda siel.
Leonardo da Vinci.

"Multiplying all the possible sounds, fonts, quotes, icons, and themesgives you over 4 billion (not a typo) different permutations."
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Clear Review Basic Apple Guy

- Google Play Store Aktion: Diese 53 Android-Apps, Spiele, Icon Packs & Live Wallpaper gibt es heute Gratis -

Make your own Tour App

"Multiplying all the possible sounds, fonts, quotes, icons, and themes gives you over 4 billion (not a typo) different permutations."

Clear Review Basic Apple Guy

Friendica App

Question for native speakers: is overcoming intellectual loneliness (too) cringe as an app slogan

App Store


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sind da.

They want to ban but not () or who violate and enable and assist human rights violations far worse than that

Reminder the no thanks is how consumers ensure their money is not supporting a genocide.

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