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Old assed desktop only java / swing app to cross-platform flutter. Where to start with the re-design. Holla at your boy. It's a piece of shit right now with a straight conversion, even just to desktop. .
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Loving Squashfs and some fixes
Whats new
Get it on
Thanks for the continued love and feedback to all users!
Special thanks in this update:
Phillip Lougher from Squashfs
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(Add "load all" button and your users will thank you.)
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Online Variante des OpenStreetMap Dashboards fr OpenTracks.
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Did my Friday bike ride. It was pretty chilly at 10C until I warmed up! But it was really perfect. Heart rate didn't get over 165 which I think is a good indicator that my body is adjusting (though this is the mostly-downhill direction). I'll get the big workout on the way home. I'm going to try to really push it and get back in under 50 minutes.
Next week I will need my front light. Might be starting before sunrise! Some smoke has come down across the water. Hopefully it goes away before I have to leave!
I also weighed myself today. I have been avoiding it mostly because I don't want to be tied to 'weight loss'. I want to do it because it's fun and makes me feel better. Which it does! But the machine said good things there too. So that's a bonus.
Turns out, that to Version 4.25.0 not only brought assets for new Model3 - its now also possible to add the Tesla V3 to the App. Yay. Even does the software updates for the Wallconnector!
/ / /
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Helfe mit die Karten von OpenStreetMap zu verbessern.
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alanparsonsmusic - Lucifer, mit nathan.bontrager859 am Limoncello. Der Mandolone. Mirandalette. Jedenfalls an einer nicht zu kleinen Spezialmandoline! ...Kennt hier jemand eine freundliche mit der man seine tracken kann Vielleicht auch mit der Mglichkeit Barcodes zu scannen. Geht mir vor allem um Kalorien. Aber die Zusammensetzung der Nhrstoffe ist natrlich auch spannend.
cybernews research Leading health applications expose users to avoidable threats like surveillance and identity theft, due to their risky permissions.
Ein Kollege berichtet von einer interessanten fr die am Handy. Ich wollte sie installieren - und mein ist ZU ALT! Ich wiederhole: ZU ALT! Was bleibt da Besseres als zu sagen: Na besser mein Handy als ich.