Create your own Tour App with Tour Builder

The has approved the first to help treat here it is

fr zu Einfache hilft, frh zu erkennen

Amazon's pay-by-palm turbo charges collection of personal data

I see quite a few folks with here and their struggles to keep up with tasks. I'm and can find it hard to not feel overwhelmed by what "must" be done resulting in more chaos/dirt/stuff to get about. Sigh

Using this opportunity to get that off my chest and maybe offer some sort of solution for people like us.

is a free that helps create small routines. It's a bit cutesy, but hey if it helps!

is looking great on now. I love this Im excited to get Widgets in. I use this app every day and I hope others will as well.

If you arent sure what Countdown2Binge does I have attached a description.

NEW RELEASE 0.42-rc1


### Bug Fixes and FLAC support
- FLAC is now supported.
- fixed user reported bugs
- logout edge-case bug (cannot logout when no connection available)
- download bug fixed (if elements of the playlist fail to parse download won't work)
- more UI and performance improvements

Please report any bug.

Leute, ich muss euch mal was ber das Musikstreaming erzhlen. Denn ich halte diese ganze Nummer fr Musiker fr einen prchtigen Sargnagel. Und ich glaube, dass ich mir mit meiner Musik etwas anderes berlegen muss. Es ist zwar nur ein Hobby, was ich mit groer Freude ausbe. Aber deshalb muss ich mich nicht veralbern lassen. Und ich glaube, das sehen andere

Make your own Tour App

If youre not sure and want to be, there is an for that:

Ha, looks fun.

Television for Apple Vision Pro Uncrate

Eine Studie besttigt, dass mithilfe einer Smartphone-App Anzeichen einer mglichen Alzheimer-Erkrankung auch ohne rztliche Hilfe mit hoher Genauigkeit erkannt werden knnen. Eine entsprechende Anwendung wird bereits in Arztpraxen angeboten.

The Love Of Money / Hugo Talks

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Why the lifetime of nuclear plants is getting longer








Deep into another classic interview, from a developer who was very generous with their time, and hoping they wont be upset with me cutting the output back to something that is manageable for our readers. Always a delicate balancing act.

If youve not read the series, theres a link below. The most recent entries are Apollo and Serial Reader (and also Taxiball and Canabalt in the games series, but that doesnt have interviews).

officials planned to make millions from members data with True Blue .
"The idea was developed by the boss of a firm with a string of failed businesses behind him. Yet senior officials appeared so captivated by the plan that they prepared to provide the partys of members in order to move the proposal forward."

How to reopen a nuclear power plant

7 vezes em que o WhatsApp ficou fora do ar no mundo


- Google Play Store Aktion: Diese 64 Android-Apps, Spiele, Icon Packs & Live Wallpaper gibt es heute Gratis -

In Krze ist es so weit: Ab 6.Mai erscheint das nd an einem Tag in der Woche nur noch als . Zugleich arbeiten wir im Endspurt an unserer neuen , die sukzessive unsere derzeitige App ersetzen soll.

, si cambia. L' spinge e risponde. Le novit in vista

I'm just curious about Mastodon users on .

What will be your of choice And what are your reasons

I bet that there are other that are not available on the official app.

My podcast app, that I paid a one time fee in to unlock all features har introduced a new feature behind a subscription.

Who wants to recommend me their best for

Must-Have Travel App Offers Peace of Mind, Averting Any Crisis with Real-Time Advisories and Personal Response Team

Seems I can forward from my other Masto instance anymore.. So here is a copy/pasted repost for here.

Any FOSS suggestions for Android travel itinery apps Tried TripIt but 1000 attempts at my data in an hour was unacceptable (thank you ).

Any FOSS suggestions for Android travel itinery apps Tried TripIt but 1000 attempts at my data in an hour was unacceptable (thank you ).

Hello all, I'm trying something new to get a better vision of users, what you like in the app, what you don't like and miss.

(yes, it's a survey )

You can find it here:

Since it's the first time I'm doing this exercise, don't hesitate to give me any feedback about the process by itself!

Also, boosting for visibility will be highly appreciated.

TUT ReVanced Manager - Modifiziere deine YouTube-App fr Android 4K DE

Oggi al tentativo di accesso mi apparso un pop-up, che intima ad accettare che l'app Bancoposta abbia il TOTALE accesso al dispositivo, per una questione di "sicurezza".

spero di sbagliarmi ma credo che ci sia un problema di privacy e forse anche un reato, da parte di Poste Italiane.

aggiungo le immagini come risposte a questo toot, e anche alcune considerazioni in merito.

Details zum Raid-Tag mit Mega-Skaraborn verffentlicht

Bald wird Mega-Skaraborn erstmals im Spiel verfgbar sein.

Zur News:

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The Palace Project, read banned books

TUT ReVanced - Modifizierte YouTube-App fr Android 4K DE

GitNex 5.4.0 is out with import/export app data and more:

- Delete email from account
- Update profile settings
- Add SSH key to account

Read release notes for more:

Release post on:

Storiaverse Launches Groundbreaking Mobile Entertainment App!
Storiaverse  an App that Combines Reading, Animation and Audio for an Immersive Read-Watch Experience for Digital-Native Adults

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Od jakiego czasu zgaszacie nam, e nie dziaaj Wam prawidowo Apple Podcasts w taki sposb, e nie pojawiaj si nowe odcinki w podcastach, ktre ledzicie. Oto kilka podpowiedzi, jak ten problem rozwiza.

Apple Podcasts dziaaj na zasadzie followowania / ledzenia wybranego podcastu. Z jakiego powodu czasami ledzony przez nas show si nie odwiea. Podobne problemy z najprzerniejszymi podcastami raportuje wiele osb na wiecie. Zgosiem to te do ekipy od Apple Podcasts, ale podejrzewam, e problem ley po stronie samej aplikacji lub zespou odpowiedzialnego za iOS. Niezalenie od tego, moemy zrobi kilka rzeczy

Jeli wybrany podcast si automatycznie nie odwiea, to moemy po prostu wykona na nim gest pocignij-aby-odwiey / pull-to-refresh. Wystarczy przecign ekran w d dosy mocno, a nad treci pojawi si i zatrybi krcioek poczujecie haptic feedback od iPhonea, ktry wspiera t funkcj lub prawdopodobnie dwik, jeli nie (poprawcie mnie, jeli si myl).

Jeli to nie pomoe, to pozostaje Wam odfollowowa wybrany podcast przytrzymujemy go, a pojawi si menu i tam klikamy unfollow. Potem naley wyszuka go ponownie i da mu follow, co obrazuj dwie ponisze ilustracje.

Jeli wiecie co wicej na ten temat, to dajcie zna chtnie si czego naucz. Moecie te zgosi to Apple lub do Apple Podcasts, jeli Wam si chce. Alternatywnie polecam przenie si na .

Dodatkowo zapraszam do krtkiego .

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