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The with the biggest reach in the is the s breaking news alert service. An alert on the reaches perhaps 7 million people. News at Six on BBC gets 3.5 viewers, and the biggest circulation is the with 700,000 print copies


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This is an interesting :

im kinda clueless how this feature is supposed to work. it really sounds like it will make icons from the same category look more similar to each other and therefore diminish uniqueness. how will it affect brand recognizability


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First and foremost I highly appreciate your work on Overcast, my podcast app of choice for years. Second I have a hopefully small feature request. It would be great if you could implement stop end of chapter within the sleep timer.

App update One less excuse to not use Rodent: now timeline position is preserved even if the app gets killed (optional setting), including lists!

Let me know which other feature would convince you to try Rodent.

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Anyone else's Google Assistant going crazy On my OnePlus 12 and my Pixel tablet, this survey notification is replicating like crazy. Keep wiping them out, but they keep coming back.

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Wer viele verwaltet, hat sicher schon von gehrt. Die Gratis- fr ist besonders fr User von -Readern empfehlenswert, die ihre aus mehreren Quellen auf das Gert spielen wollen. Darber hinaus konvertiert Calibre eBooks in verschiedene Formate und lsst sich auch zur Bearbeitung von Metadaten verwenden. Nun ist Calibre in Version 7.11 erschienen.

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New app added to the Accessible Android apps directory: FairEmail Accessible with TalkBack actions support

Auf meinem ist eine namens und ich kann nicht nicht erinnern sie installiert zu haben.
Aus der Position auf der sie sich auf meinem Scree befindet kann die Installation nicht lange zurck liegen.
Ich wei nicht mal, was die App machen soll.

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Importieren Sie Ihre CSV-Kontakte aus einem Desktop-Client ohne Cloud-Synchronisierung.

Der Vortrag, den ich auf der gehalten habe, ist online abrufbar. Titel: Deine Apps, deine Schatten: Die heimliche
Sammelwut digitaler Parasiten. Die Live-App-Mitschnitte werden natrlich nur vor Ort gezeigt.

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Currently available through a sidebar panel, Microsoft Copilot will soon become a regular resizable and movable Windows app


## Performance improvements
- Improved playlist creation and modification.
- Improved overall performance (SQLite refactor).
- improved loading songs from albums and playlists.
- added initial configuration object.

Please report any bug.

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Once again, the gods have provided and the app now supports photon mono m5s pro. Thus providing a better service than the printer manufacturer itself.

Airchat a vogue semi-audio social media has added various new features including channel discovery pills, new channel creation, video messages and message impression count.

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The Scannable app was practically perfect. It did what was necessary efficiently and without hassle. So, of course Evernote intervened and today it's a mess full of advertising and forced login and integration with Evernote. Does anyone have suggestions for alternatives

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The health of the is of little importance to both or . If the becomes totally useless, no problem, they figure they'll just make everything an . In fact, I suspect , etc. are working to undermine the on purpose. If they get their way, there will be no in 10 years. 2/2

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