Create your own Tour App with Tour Builder

To demonstrate how to create a navigation hierarchy and how to customize the Navigation Bar for each screen in , we released a new video recreating parts of the navigation hierarchy in Apples Contacts !

Check it out on YouTube:

Much of the iPhone's default Camera app features are pretty easy to figure out. However it does have more than a few secrets tucked away.

Attention all Neko Atsume fans:

From Google Translate: Neko Atsume's latest title, Neko Atsume 2, is scheduled to be released on iOS and Android in the summer of 2024.
We are preparing elements that further enhance the Neko Atsume feel, so please look forward to it.


ON1 NoNoise AI 2024 Aims to Rescue Your Noisiest Images

Shower thought: I am building an to learn these days. What if I take it up a notch, and change my goal from "teach me " to "attack the machine by making an open/free+competent alternative to the learning app 'startups'". Will be fun.

Celebrate small winsthey add up to 365 victories a year!

Do you know any or where two or more persons can create a , while none of them is on the same
Boosts are welcome!

Hello. I'm researching for the development of an app. I have a short form available if you would like to participate. Thank you.

Just completed the minisite for ReGift app.
Have a look if you like.

How tracking animal movement may save the planet

Is Snikket Android app not being updated anymore

Anyone here started using Farcaster as yet

Frhjahrssymposium bringt junge Chemie-Community in Ulm zusammen Chemie fr eine nachhaltige Welt
Unter dem Motto Rethinking Chemistry: Towards A Greener Future findet vom 13. bis 16. Mrz in Ulm das Frhjahrssymposium des JungChemikerForums (JCF) der Gesellschaft Deutscher Chemiker (GDCh) statt. Die Tagung, die von wechselnden Regionalforen des JCF, der Vereinigung der jungen Mitglieder

I'm looking for something to do for the , I want to make something, some , or

Do you have an idea of something that's missing or could the life of a vanlife person

Also just taking if anyone has any


Die Erfassungs-App fr Barrieredaten im ffentlichen Nahverkehr.

- Google Play Store Aktion: Diese 61 Android-Apps, Spiele, Icon Packs & Live Wallpaper gibt es heute Gratis -

Apple to protect iMessages from quantum computers

's latest move to change its Store terms has sparked a firestorm of controversy, with the likes of Meta and Microsoft now urging the European Union to reject the changes. The changes implemented in 17.4 enable to sell apps outside of Apple's ecosystem and offer alternative terms within the store. Critics argue that these changes still heavily favor Apple, raising concerns about antitrust issues. Apple intends to charge developers an ...


At iRoid Technologies, being a premier Mobile App Development Company in India, the commitment to excellence extends beyond technical proficiency. The company embraces a holistic approach, considering user experience, scalability, and innovation in every project. You can explore more about us:

iRoid Technologies is a leading mobile app development company in India, renowned for its expertise in creating innovative and tailored mobile applications. With a focus on delivering top-notch solutions, iRoid Technologies combines technical prowess and creative flair to meet the unique requirements of clients. You can explore more about us:

Si eres del ecosistema de , te recomiendo que busques un que se llama . No hay da que no descubra algo nuevo, bueno, a precio especial (rebajado o gratis), y bien recomendado por otros usuarios que ya probaron esa app que llam tu atencin.

: a voice-to-text chat that understands and communicates the speaking style. Half the misunderstandings in current text based apps are due to the absence of tone!

NEW RELEASE 0.20-beta

- attempted to fix music playback on server v5
- fixed background play stoppage when system kills the activity
- fixed crash on restored navigation after the system kills the app on background
- fixed bug where heart doesn't show on offline songs

Please report any bug.
Follow Power Ampache on Telegram:

note-taking that runs models locally.

is an AI-powered note-taking app: it automatically links related ideas, answers questions on your notes and provides semantic search. Everything is stored locally and you can edit your notes

How do you talk to your kids about climate change Just ask 'Future Chicken'

The new kid's education platform helps combat climate anxiety with lessons, games, shorts, and more

That's the story.

Apple releases a sports app - Desk Chair Analysts

So there are 2 problems:

First, why is automated of UIs still so difficult

Second, why do we have an in the first place Why can't we simply install software on our phones as we do with our computers I get the marketing benefit of having one place to look at when looking for an , but once found, why can't it and its updates come from the website of who makes it

As a software engineer, I have pipelines and I deploy tens of times a day: I push a button and my changes are online in minutes.

My colleagues, engineers, instead can't just deploy: the must be reviewed internally, then must be submitted to the , reviewed by them, and only then the changes are live.

I've written a little WebDAV server:

This is a webDAV / web server that serves the current directory as a web site.
It makes it convenient to upload/download files between your PC and a remote
device say a mobile phone (Android, iPhone etc) simply using the web browser.
Run it with the -U option makes it possible to upload files without a WebDAV client.

*new version*, see reply

More details in the readme:

An die : Gibt es eigentlich eine relativ aktuelle noch im regulren Handel verfgbar), die sich mit der gut nutzen lsst
Ich wrde gerne mal Erfahrungen damit sammeln. Muss also nicht gleich ein high-end Gert sein, aber vielleicht etwas mehr als ein bieten. und wren nett.

*new release*
- v0.8.0 major feature release:
- new upload servlet:
- migrated to Apache Velocity templates.
- added download of multiple files as zip *new*
- added filename filters *new*
download as zip and filename filters significantly improves
usability of the upload servlet
- v0.8.1 solves problems related to dynamic IP addresses
- v0.8.2 improvements for config file generation.

I've written a little WebDAV server:

This is a webDAV / web server that serves the current directory as a web site.
It makes it convenient to upload/download files between your PC and a remote
device say a mobile phone (Android, iPhone etc) simply using the web browser.
Run it with the -U option makes it possible to upload files without a WebDAV client.

*new version*, see reply

More details in the readme:

Die Suche nach einem Parkplatz in der Innenstadt von Hannover kann oft zeitraubend sein und fhrt in vielen Fllen zu unntigem Parksuchverkehr. Um dies zu verhindern, ist die App "Hannover Parken" entwickelt worden, die ab sofort kostenlos im App Store und im Google Play Store heruntergeladen werden kann. ver.

Eine traurige Wahrheit: Bei der Analyse/berprfung des Datenverkehrs einer App, lautet die Frage nicht, ob man Datenschutzverste findet, sondern wie viele und wie schwerwiegend diese sind. Davon ausgenommen sind Apps aus dem F-Droid-Store.

Mr.AIEffect 1.0.3 now available on the app store :) - including a selection of photo-to-art ML/AI filters

Why Chinas EV ambitions need virtual power plants

Signal becomes even more private by removing the need to share your phone number to new contacts. The secure messaging app has so far added support for usernames in beta.

. , .

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wie ich oben schon erwhnte, nutze ich nicht das original obwohl es nun nun eine Funktion hat. Das ist nicht per se und weshalb und warum erklrt der auf der Webseite:

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