Create your own Tour App with Tour Builder

Using my tablet as a second monitor with my app multiglancer, to work on developing the landing page for :blobcat: what a trip but I did it!

Much expected announcement! New app added to the Accessible Apps directory by Editorial Staff: Seeing AI. Accessible. Seeing AI is a free app that narrates the world around you. Designed with and for the blind and low vision community.

- fr in 2.0.0 verfgbar! Das bringt unter Anderem ein vllig neues mit!

Dites les gens, vous utilisez quelles applis gratuites/openSource pour mastodon sur Android et Ipad

Sur android je suis sur Tusky auquel je nai quun reproche faire, mais qui magace au plus haut point : cest la trs mauvaise gestion du zoom sur les images jointes

Sur iPad je vais sur linstance de mais je me dis quune appli avec notifications et tout serait pas mal

Merci :D

Limited time: get Savey budgeting app lifetime

Yet another company putting money over people.

Filmic team laid off by parent company - Desk Chair Analysts


Guess the by Anthony Quinn.

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De gratis app die uw internet veiliger en sneller maakt.


Users are doling out justice on a Chinese food delivery app

Meet the 15-year-old deepfake victim pushing Congress into action

Pazu appInDrive Pathao

Guten Morgen.
Wie kann man herausfinden, wer bei der alles mitlesen / tut

: Android app maker Simple Mobile Tools acquired by ZipoApps - Liliputing Alors, a, c'est une trs trs mauvaise nouvelle pour moi :-(

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Umweltchemie Sekundrer Feinstaub ein unterschtzter Schadstoff
Wenn fossile und biogene Energietrger verbrennen, entstehen gesundheitsschdliche Aerosole mit Rupartikeln, die krebserregende Stoffe transportieren, sowie gasfrmige Schadstoffe. Einmal in die Atmosphre abgegeben, durchlaufen sie eine Kaskade chemischer Reaktionen. Was atmen wir da eigentlich einFeins

Nach lngerer Zeit wollte ich die Foto-/Video-App Pro mal wieder verwenden. Alter, die wollen jetzt 3,49 pro fr die Benutzung. .... pro Woche! Achso, und Weiterentwicklungen wird es erstmal nicht geben, der Investor hat das Entwicklerteam entlassen.

Der Markt wird das regeln.

Diverse Event-Wiederholungen ab heute in Pokmon Masters EX

Ein neues Kampfevent ist nun verfgbar.

Zur News:

Oh, brought back writing posts on their . FINALLY!

What was the purpose of having a blog in 2023 that you had to go and write everything on a computer for

Revealed during the recent Epic vs. trial, it came to light that gaming giant Activision Blizzard was on the cusp of creating its game store. This ambitious endeavor, dubbed 'Project Boston,' aimed to revolutionize the gaming landscape with an alternative app store, envisioned as the "Steam of Mobile," Engadget tells us. A visitor plays the game 'Call of Duty' of Activision on a mobile phone at the Samsung mobile booth at the Gamescom ...

die v ist eine von


My first approach to was a failure. I struggled to do it, didnt know how to organize tracked projects, and eventually didnt get any value from it.

Now I successfully logged time for 4th day in a row and already have some valuable insight. (I will let you guess how much time I spent as a Taxi-Dad )) New is forming!

My setup: for - this is one of the best designed apps I have ever used. Its wired I couldnt see it during my first timetrackimg streak.

new landing page in the works for

One of the Projects Contributors made a Fork of the project:

They made the announcement here:

Open Source making sure the spirit of a project can live on in one of its forks.


Guess the by Asia Argento.

Download and play from & !

- Google Play Store Aktion: Diese 51 Android-Apps, Spiele, Icon Packs & Live Wallpaper gibt es heute Gratis -

Today, I rejoice because Jesus paid the great cost for my sins as He endured the cross for me so that I might enjoy better days, not only on this earth as I rejoice over the forgiveness of my sins, but as I look forward to my home in Heaven!


App zur berwachung des Mindesthaltbarkeitsdatums von Produkten.

'Accept & Continue' to use your 'free' weather app...

No no, look away now

Please keep the as it is. New often is not better. Please also think about people with poor eyesight. Muchas Gracias

Die doppelte 7:00-Uhr-Fassung hat(te) schon was.

Heute bin ich auf Verdacht heimgefahren (Stadtgebiet , ): mit -

Die vorangegangenen Verbindungen hatte ich verpasst und die auf gut- gewhlte war dann auch noch so aber nicht in der aufgefhrt (). Das war der mit schnellste Anschlu... Komisch!

'Pure magical thinking': Albertans filled premier's inbox with emails opposing provincial pension plan

Prime Minister of France lisabeth Borne signed a circular last weekrequesting all government employees to uninstall foreign communication apps such as Signal, WhatsApp, and Telegram by December 8, 2023, in favor of a French messaging named 'Olvid.'. The guideline addressed to ministers, secretaries of state, chiefs of staff, and cabinet members proposes that they instead install and use the Olvid app made by a French . BleepingComputer discussed ...


Der auch bei uns in der Redaktion beliebte , der in Versionen fr , und verfgbar ist, hat sich mit einem groen auf Version 7.0 bzw. 7.0.1 den Themen und Autorenschaft gewidmet.

Alle Infos:

The Simple Mobile Tools Phone Suit got sold to ZipoApps.

The free versions on the google Playstore will now contain ads and possible tracking.

The Developer of the Simple Mobile Tools Suit comfirmed it on github:

Personally I am going to look for alternatives for the apps of the Suit I have been using.

Hoping the project gets forked

Indie App Santa. Ein Adventskalender, bei dem es jeden Tag eine nice App von Indie-Entwickler*innen fr iOS kostenlos gibt

The first CRISPR cure might kickstart the next big patent battle

Making an image with generative AI uses as much energy as charging your phone

A new version of the SwiftPM Catalog is out, v1.2.2. It is a to browse packages. I've worked together with to update the app for upcoming changes in the API. Searches in older versions will stop working.
Apart from that, no functional changes, well, compiled w/ the latest swiftc!

Note that I'm happy to take PRs on the catalog data:

Simple Mobile Tools bought by ZipoApps

What I find interesting in approach is the purpose I see behind it: to understand your mind. The purpose was not so clear when I tried some time ago.

Or its just my current approach, not the apps.

kept safe