Create your own Tour App with Tour Builder

WhatsApp, the popular messaging used by billions of people worldwide, is currently experiencing a widespread outage that prevents users from connecting and sending or receiving messages. The issue appears to be global in scope, affecting the app's entire user base of 2 billion people. The Verge reports that users started encountering problems with WhatsApp around 2 PM ET . Many report that the app is stuck on "Connecting" and unable to function properly. ...

Anyone use as an client

I think I'm on the side of using fdroid repos over github as my main source. But there's one app I need from google (or anything like apkmirror although I don't like the idea of all those random apk sites).

I also like the idea that I can have everything in Obtanium rather than some in fdroid, some from source, and some from aurora or play store.

Im also working on some other stuff. But that will take more time.

It has been far to long that I left that Twitter-button in the app. Today Ive submitted a minor update that changes this.

"meal & heal": fr : entwickelt an der FH Mnster:

Make your own Tour App

TikToks Photo-Sharing App TikTok Notes Is All Set to Compete with Instagram

"TikTok is launching a new photo app called TikTok Notes to compete with Instagram. At least 95 million photos and videos are shared on Instagram each day and the platform boasts around 2.5 billion active monthly users. TikTok now wants a piece of this."

Interesting...yet another social media app.

Microsoft wants to attract more app developers to the Microsoft Store by potentially featuring app promotions on the Start menu.

Coucou la team je m'y connais en internet et scurit et tout le tralala : quelles app de calendrier partager vous recommanderiez (bonus si y a une option pour rendre a plus joli qu'utile pcq tdah + c'est juste pour voir les dispos en commun facilement, pas pour organiser per se)

Merci et reconnaissance ternelle <3

A fixed version (3.28.2) is released now and available e.g. via

Une app de cartographie 3D visiblement assez bien faite, pour la rando, le ski, l'alpinisme.

Dcouvrez "Relief Maps: Rando, Ski & Alpi"

Did you know The work we do for clients isn't limited to icon design. We also craft delightful user interfaces and everything needed to market your app: social campaigns, promotional art, screenshots, and more.

DM us or email

Ive been trying out the Trunks app on my iPhone and iPad Pro and I am kinda digging it.

Legios ab dem 25. April in Pokmon Unite verfgbar

Ein neues Pokmon erscheint bald in Pokmon Unite.

Zur News:

on with Spruce Up now on

Try completely at

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(windows: coming soon)

Bilanz Merck 2023 Mehr Medikamente, weniger Elektronik
Beim Darmstdter Konzern Merck fehlten im Jahr 2023 die pandemiebedingten Umstze mit Tests, Labormaterialien und Lipiden fr Impfstoffe. Zudem verkauften sich Halbleitermaterialien und Flssigkristalle schlecht.Das deutsche Unternehmen Merck hat im Jahr 2023 etwa 21 Mrd. Euro umgesetzt, 5,6 Prozent weniger als im Jahr zuvor. Der Ber

Eigene Startseite festlegen im Safari (, ) und nicht mehr diese alberne Favoritenliste! Geht jetzt endlich und einfach mit der 'Homepage'.

A corporate lobby swayed Centres decisions while its members filled BJPs coffers

Over the years the Association of Power Producers got government to make favourable policy changes while its members and entities linked to them together donated at least Rs 516 crore to BJP.

Today I'm proud to announce the launch of Global Gigs, a new job board focused on remote work, ranging from tech jobs to design & management positions:

It is in very early stages & will evolve rapidly in the coming weeks. Any feedback would be much appreciated! I've only just deployed it today with the initial set of listings.

If you are hiring & would like to list on Global Gigs, reach out to me & I will make it happen. Postings will be free for several months, then $199/month.

Please check it out, especially if you are looking for a new job!

Twitter usage in US fallen by a fifth since Elon Musks takeover

"As of February 2024, the social networks daily app users in America had fallen by 23% since November 2022, just after Musk completed his takeover. Every other major social network experienced a reduction in the same period, but none by anywhere near Xs drop in user numbers."

Wie zum Henker kommt diese Microsoft Office 365 App auf mein Tablett Und selbst wenn ich sie deinstalliere, bekomme ich sie als Update immer wieder angezeigt. Was soll der Schei Wie bekomm ich das aus der Update Liste wieder ganz raus

MediaMate is one of those apps that immediately feels right and makes you wonder why Apple hasn't spent any effort redesigning that part of the OS...

I am so excited to find this app by (which is one of my top two app studios, ):

Laltra mattina ero sullautobus (duh), ma cera una densit di persone bassissima, perch nonostante lorario hanno mandato il mezzo a due piani e quindi idk, nel posto in cui mi era capitato di sedermi percepivo l #atmosfera potenzialmente #liminale.

Volevo fare una foto per vedere se avrei potuto metterla su Pixelfed, ma non avevo con me una vera camera vecchia, quindi mi torna in mente una #app che scoprii su Pinterest, Disposable Camera #OldRoll, che simula diverse fotocamere retr (non solo usa e getta). Sorprendentemente, nella pratica non malaccio, anche se dallanteprima di scatto non sembrerebbe una buona parte del postprocessing avviene solo al salvataggio delle #foto, e quello live appena qualche filtro di colore leggero per dare unidea.

Un microscopico problema: solo 2 modelli di #fotocamere sono gratuiti, gli altri si dovrebbero pagare, e tra laltro si pu fare solo tramite Google Play che noia! Per fortuna, in appena 3 secondi di ricerca trovo la versione crackata, che mi ha permesso di godere. Dunque, se vi piace questo stile di fotografia, ma non avete modo di usare sempre a giro una vera #fotocamera obsoleta, provate questa soluzione. (E intanto si, alla fine ho fatto due diverse foto in quel momento, stata utile)

Qui c il file #APK che ho trovato io su un sito a caso, a cui ho accostato il backup dei dati della app che potete opzionalmente ripristinare con Neo Backup (ha tutti i filtri gi scaricati, quindi qualora i server dovessero andare gi, il programma correttamente preservato per sempre): . (Questa in screenshot la UI di una delle tante camere incluse, quite #funny)

#APK #app #atmosfera #foto #fotocamera #fotocamere #fotografia #funny #liminale #OldRoll

OMG, forgot about the welcome post. Hello mastodoners. We're indiedevs, and although we give priority to games, our debut release will be a small and free app for worktime recording (with timers).

Very important thing for someone. And for us too. Because we really needed such app ourselves, so we decided to make it, with blackjack and other goodies. For desktop and .

So don't get lost.

There are so many things wrong with this app that I dont even know where to begin, is not the review you want. But not surprising for an app that supposedly detects sexually transmitted infections from a photo of a penis.




You are at risk of breaking a critical popular
will not work

You may want to replace this App with instead and ask your friends to do the same, for it to work!

Coming in the next CleanDoom update: Theme support! All it takes is changing a few colors and the theme editor swaps out all the colors automatically.

I did this in the stupidest way possible: making all my panels white and just changing selfmodulate on runtime. It beats fighting with the theme editor IMO.

Hallo ,

es ist ...

Eure guten Wnsche zu beim Aufruf eurer sind ein wenig .

Apple voldoet aan eu-antitrusteisen met nieuwe app store richtlijnen Antitrust Store

Mera Ration Card App: Convenience at your fingertips. Download now!


- Google Play Store Aktion: Diese 65 Android-Apps, Spiele, Icon Packs & Live Wallpaper gibt es heute Gratis -

Bilanz Bayer 2023 Verluste verschmerzen
Der Bayer-Konzern hat im Jahr 2023 weniger umgesetzt als im Jahr zuvor. Nun will er die eigene Brokratie bekmpfen. Die drei Geschftsbereiche sollen bestehen bleiben: Agrarchemie, rezeptfreie und rezeptpflichtige Medikamente.Der Konzernumsatz verringerte sich bei Bayer im Jahr 2023 um 6,1 Prozent auf 47,6 Mrd. Euro. Um die Verschuldung zu senken, will das Unte

Keka v1.3.8 for is here!

ZSTD, MDZ, keka:// ...

Whats new
Get it on

Thanks for the continued love and feedback to all users!

Special thanks in this update:


Thanks to all the translators ! In this update:



PPSSPP Apple App Store
PPSSPP Android Apple App Store iOS Apple App Store PPSSPP Apple PSP App Store
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App Store

Thuringia.MyCulture. enthllt die verborgenen Schtze der Thringer Burgen

Thringer Staatskanzlei und Thringer Tourismus GmbH verffentlichen neue digitale Tour zum Burgenland Thringen.
Erfurt. Geheimnisvolle Legenden und sonst verschlossene Orte werden mit beeindruckenden Perspektiven und spektakulren Aussichten kombiniert,

Urmet: sistema antincendio digitale: La nuova gamma digitale Serie 500 e stata certificata EN54-13. La norma garantisce la compatibilita tra la centrale antincendio e tutti i dispositivi connessi a essa, garantendo un altissimo livello di prestazioni. Le nuove centrali digitali sono dotate di un menu "11224", che agevola...

Guided Tours for your smartphone!