Create your own Tour App with Tour Builder

which do you use
please !! ty


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Yeah, prefer the web version over the .

LOL the most recent reviews of X on the Google Play Store are super entertaining. Lots of people are unhappy with Elon Musk and having issues with X not working properly.

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Auf Lemmy wurde gerade nach einem bersetzer gefragt. Es gibt ja deutlich mehr als Deepl ind Google.

Als App empfiehlt sich Translate you

Ganz klassisch sei auch libretranslate genannt

Das wren so meine Empfehlungen. Translate you ist fr alle Googlebefreitwn interessant, auerdem nutzt es mehrere Engines :neofoxfloofhappy:

Edit: Link zum Thread. Danke an fr den Hinweis

Has anyone used the package to create an app It doesn't seem to provide any text support, so you would have to provide your own code to go from text to GL drawing commands! And the same with widgets and scrollbars and such.

So what's the most user-friendly for couples/families in

I'm reasonably satisfied with 's app, but my spouse is at another , so their 'shared spaces' doesn't really make sense to me. Anyway, I like having a separate bank account for the family, because I don't want to manage transactions after the fact.

Boosts are appreciated, because I don't think anyone with an opinion would otherwise find this post

Yo !
Je cherche pour une amie une appli Android efficace - ventuellement payante mais sans souscription - permettant d'appliquer des filtres artistiques des photos (idalement pour abstraire ou styliser des photos). Pas besoin d'une plthore infinie de filtres, plutt 10-20 qui marchent bien que 1000.
J'adore Snapseed mais c'est pas son domaine. J'aurais bien propos Gimp mais elle prfre un truc sur mobile.
Des ides sur la question
Repouet welcome

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This is a really great summary of different Mastodon Apps from . I have been using MetaText for ages and I like its 1990s limited feel a definite step up from the official Mastodon Apps 1980 feel. Just discovered the Ice Cubes app and it is like being back in the 2020s! Worth reading and exploring and seeing which one works for you. Each to their own!



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In bezahlt man per .
Es gibt zwei wichtige Apps, Pay und .

Da WeChat Pay eine voraussetzt, die die meisten natrlich nicht haben, bleibt fr den nur noch Alipay brig.

Man kann seine verknpfen und los geht's.

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Teilweise haben und gar keine richtigen Kassen mehr.

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Opera, the behind the famous browser, says that its -assisted chatbot Aria is now available on iPhone and iPad as an official . Opera Welcomes AI Chatbot on iOS. With the popularity of AI chatbots everywhere, it's no wonder that they have become commonplace not just on desktops but also on mobile platforms. According to ZDNET's recent report, iPhone and iPad users can soon utilize Aria, Opera's AI chatbot. The browser maker has created the ...

/ / /

App coming Summer 2024 to aid connection with nature by superb nature writer Melissa Harrison.

This is her brilliant lockdown :

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Slack users complained that both the and were down for nearly an hour. Did Slack already issue a fix for the latest outage On Thursday, Aug. 17, The Verge reported that Slack was not functioning. As proof that there was a Slack outage, Downdetector tracked that there were over 8,000 reports of Slack-related issues. At that time, over 100,000 users worldwide were aware of the problem

Ive used for ten years: TRY THIS NEW PLUS FEATURE! Oooh! Shiny! *yeets the feature at my face every time I open the app now*

My self: NO! I DO NOT LIKE IT! I do not want to try new things on any terms but my own! Eff off! *poke poke poke poke grumble where are MY settings*

App Ive only recently gotten used to: HERE IS OUR NEW LAYOUT! TRY OUR AI CHATBOT! *aggressively opens a chat window*

Me: AAAAAAAAAAAACK! *throws phone across the room*

Nie mehr auf seine 25% Rabattkleber oder Gutscheine vergessen. launcht eine echt gelungene App. Ich liebe die App.



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This is a toooooooooooooooooooooooooot! :mastorofl:

....or maybe a Nooooooot! :blobcatthink:

Irgendwelche plne die app auf material you design upzudaten

Wre wirklich top :ablobcatheartsqueeze:

Alles soll so bleiben wie es ist,da es perfekt ist so...nur die design wie beim "originalen" anpassen bzw.erweitern

Ich glaube mir sagt immer noch mehr zu als . Habe mir aber mal vorgenommen, die letztere doch mal hufiger zu nutzen.

's and 's , which both clearly show the requirement to provide a facility, which is trying to get rid of.

/#X must comply with these terms of service in order to be hosted on the Apple and Google Stores.

Elections Canadas tender for this job says they are looking for someone who can design, build, deliver and maintain a mobile application that will allow visually impaired and blind electors the ability to verify the mark on their own ballot.

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