Create your own Tour App with Tour Builder

You should really go sub to my spicy pages. Gonna drop audio p0rn later tonight.

In fact, I record spicy audio for others too.

GoPros New Annual Subscriptions Add Many Perks and Cost up to $100

Wir verbringen teils Stunden am Tag damit, um uns durch , und zu scrollen. Sollten nicht wir selbst die Kontrolle haben, was wir uns ansehen, anstelle eines Algorithmus, der uns die Inhalte vorschreibt Dies fragte sich der Entwickler von , James Parrott, und entwickelte kurzerhand die --.

Alle Infos zu feeeed:

Garage An open-source distributed object storage service tailored for self-hosting. S3-compatible API, single Rust binary that is installable everywhere.

The only good thing about this experience is that it pushed me to write about it on my - So full of rage!

what a garbage application

Anyone else enjoying journal


Descrgate su ahora!

Downloading the now and lolwhy is it 100MB

New photo to art ML photo processing prototype is available at

Buenas noticias otakus! La app de Crunchyroll pronto llegar a los TV de Samsung

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Ive done an app and a widget for those who uses both Calendar and Reminders on iOS and wish to see them all at once. Check it out: . Feel free to ask anything.

Meine fr mein Android ist die letzte Zeit extreeeem langsam. Dauert ewig bis die erste Seite ld. Cache lschen hat auch nix gebracht.
Hat jemand hnliche Probleme.. Oder noch besse: Die Lsung!

Cool photo sharing feature in

I've got a ways to go in controlling my diet haha.

Pilot companion app vulnerable to flight performance manipulations

I must say that it does kinda work. Recently, I tried making an entire CRUD using free. Of course, you might need to reference other sources sometimes or use your own knowledge, but it is a great tool on its own.

Nueva entrada en !
Firmar digitalmente nuestros documentos es ms fcil con la app de la FNMT

Presente anche sulla mappa dell' Ufficiale di ufficiale che puoi vedere in "Di Pi"->"Esplora"->"Dove Spendere"

Scarica il Wallet e unisciti:

Per chi volesse essere aggiunto come attivit alla sezione "Esplora --> Dove Spendere" nell' ufficiale, pu compilare questo form:

e si consiglia la seguente lettura:

Bumble to use AI to detect fake dating accounts

Libre Camera

Moderne Kamera-App zum Aufnehmen von Fotos und Videos.

- Google Play Store Aktion: Diese 102 Android-Apps, Spiele, Icon Packs & Live Wallpaper gibt es heute Gratis -


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Entschlsselte Wahrheiten Wie entsteht der Stein der Weisen
Aus Mittelalter und Frher Neuzeit sind Schriften mit prachtvollen Illustrationen erhalten. Eine der bekanntesten ist Splendor Solis ber die Herstellung des Steins der Weisen.Splendor Solis wurde in der Mitte des 15. Jahrhunderts unter dem Pseudonym Salomon Trismosin verfasst, einem legendren deutschen Alchemisten. Der eigent

Snapchat: Neue Kndigunswelle bei Snap Inc.

Ich selber nutzte nie von , weil weder inhaltlich noch dessen Nutzen mir einleuchtete. Ich nahm es nie als Unterhaltung wahr, sondern als plump. Es sieht so aus, dass im & bei 's die Sololsungen nicht mehr gefragt sind. Ob deswegen das nun populr wird, ist wieder eine ganz andere Frage.

Como bloquear uma ou vrias pessoas no TikTok



- UI improvements
- new login UI
- new generic material3 UI components
- more settings, added attributes to the local db table for persistent settings
- bug fixes from the backlog
- local sqlite database version-migration rules update

- Fixed most of the bugs in the backlog
- Fab icon (Tune Spinner) for quick play music.
- UI/UX and animations improvements

Please report any bug.

of the day: is there an for that goes through common settings and notifies you if they are likely incorrect

For example, after resetting my was only showing previews of directions and not offering turn-by-turn. Ends up the issue was that location was not enabled for Google maps (and maps didn't prompt me to fix it).

I think something is a bit wonky with this reset, but I've noticed notifications for apps and various other configs not working


Doing a rare Kickstarter plug for this cool project, in case anyone wants to either back it or boost it. Hitting some or all of those stretch goals would be pretty sweet!

Hello - or all three - I've recently set up a new address!

This way, I can easily find your updates, press releases, builds and more, all in one place.
For 2024, I want to ramp up all the coverage, especially with now in the wild.

So let's talk!

Ho realizzato che prima mi trovavo a voler lowkey #postare, al volissimo dal #3DS, una #schermata del #gioco che stavo usando in quel momento ma come

Praticamente lunica cosa che funziona resta la #SpaccBBS: e in effetti ha senso, mesi fa spesi qualche ora anche solo ad accertarmi che il #forum fosse utilizzabile da sistemi antichi ( proprio dal #new3DS). Ma dovrei finire quel fantomatico plugin per ActivityPub, per, per non cantarmela e suonarmela l sopra

#3DS #ACCOUNT #AlterVista #app #console #forum #foto #frontend #gioco #immagini #inviare #MicroBlog #new3DS #Nintendo #Nintendo3DS #postare #pubblicare #rogne #schermata #schermate #screenshot #server #sito #social #SpaccBBS #web #webapp #WordPress

Termine fr kommende Community Days angekndigt

Die Termine fr die kommenden Community Days stehen fest.

Zur News:

Does anybody know of a nice Mac or iOS app that will set a schedule for you to swap between standing and sitting at your adjustable-height desk

I've found plenty of eye strain timer apps, but nothing around standing/sitting intervals.


This has been one of the very very few things bothering me about . Thanks for fixing it!

Turn off your background refresh

Die -App fhrt seit Wochen nicht nur die deutschen, sondern auch die -Charts vieler Industrielnder an.

Mit Ramschpreisen und Billigimporten aus wird hier offenbar eine Nachfrage bedient. Man knnte argumentieren, dass Temu sich selbst mit einem Oxymoron vermarktet:

Temu: Shoppe wie Milliardre

Fr viele scheint Quantitt wichtiger als Qualitt zu sein und so fallen aggressives -Marketing sowie manipulative Programmierung auf fruchtbaren Boden.

Hola amigos! Last week I posted about things that really annoy me about Duolingo. Today, I'm talking about the things I enjoy or appreciate about the app. These are things the enhance my inertia in staying with the app instead of switching, and in using it every day. Let me know in the comments what you find enjoyable about using !

I'm about to submit my first - exciting times!

The next generation of mRNA vaccines is on its way

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